
Prince Patrick

Prince Patrick is trapped. He dreams
of one day being able to leave the castle.

For this picture i really liked the angle of the wood structure that he is holding it really frames his face.

He spends a lot of time alone and
never really talks to anyone.

This picture i really enjoyed the way
everything in the background was completely
blurred out and he was the main subject. Along
with the tree.

His first slide.

I really liked the way the slide made his
body all orange. I hate that it is fuzzy in blogger
it looks so much clearer in photoshop.

He is excited to be finally outside.

The sky in this photo is what i think
really makes this image pop. i just like the
emotions he is giving off.

This is his second slide.

This image i really like the cropping. I alos like the strong vertical line of the slide coming out of
one side and the curve that leads your eye to the top of the slide.

He rides away on his horse with all of his
new friends.

I really like how he is centered in the photo
and his arm leads you out to one side. Then
his shadow leads you out to the other side of
the image.

Swing, swing away Patrick.

I really like the angle I took this picture from.
I did not have to change anything except for the levels a little bit.

Sit atop of a tree.

I really like how the tree leads you from
the bottom of the image up to where Patrick
is sitting. I also like the way he is looking of into
the distance like he is searching for someone or something.

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