
The first collage is of my great-niece, Riley, who i love dearly. I really like this collage because you can see her personality in the pictures. The next collage is of flowers in my mother's garden. I really like this one because of the colors. Next, Funny Face, my cat gets a collage. I absolutely love this one. You can tell that he's a photogenic cat. Then it's the collage of my dog Miss Finnigin. I like this collage because not only can u see her personality, but you can see that she has three legs in some of the pictures. The last one is of flowers on my trip to Maine that I took. I LOVE this one becauseof the colors, the shapes, everything.

1 comment:

  1. I like the bright colors in the flower pics! they are beautiful! im not sure which one i like the best because they are both so different from one another. In the animal ones, some of the pics in the center look like they might be streched to the side a little two much and could have used some touch up in the eyes. I like the photos of your great-niece, although the corners are a bit distracting (not like the other ones)
